Choose Love

Stop. Take a deep breath. When you hear the word “evil,” what (or who) do you think of? Just think of one or two things (let’s not start doom-spiraling here)

Listen. John 13:11 says “For he knew who was to betray him; for this reason he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

Reflect. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. Judas is there so we can pretty safely assume this means that Jesus washed the feet of Judas. Judas—the disciple who would leave the fold and the disciple who (in other Gospel accounts) betrayed Jesus. AND Jesus washes Simon Peter’s feet and Simon Peter will eventually deny Jesus three times.

My point? In the midst of his betrayer, in the midst of evil and darkness, Jesus chooses to love. Knowing that Simon Peter will deny him, Jesus still chooses to love.

Knowing that we will not live perfectly, Jesus still chooses to love us. Knowing that there is evil in the world, I encourage you continue to love.   

Pray. Gracious God, though we are not perfect you choose to love. Though there is evil you choose to love. Help us to do the same. Amen.

Carry On. What or whom did you think of at the beginning for the word “evil”? Pray for that person or thing—Jesus even taught us to love and pray for our enemies.

Brandon Newton

Easter Pastor


A Different Kind of Leadership


Acts 2:42-47