

Take out a piece of paper and pen. For sixty seconds, write down everything you are grateful for today. Reflect on them, and take a moment to thank God for these gifts.



Then [Jesus] looked up at his disciples and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”

Luke 6:20-21



This week, we’re listening to the stories between last Sunday’s preaching text and the lesson for next Sunday. On Tuesday, we heard about Jesus calling his disciples in Luke 6:12-13. Today, we hear about some of the first teaching Jesus shares with them. 

And can you imagine hearing these words right after you’ve made the commitment to follow Jesus and go out into the world to share his teaching? Jesus goes on to say, “Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you.” Could the disciples have had second thoughts? Did they think they would get power, fame, and notoriety for following Jesus?  

We know that the disciples were pretty average people called by Jesus in the midst of their daily work. We can’t know what their expectations were when they started following him. But we can know who they went out to teach and serve: average people, or still more, those who were the most hurt, forgotten, and in pain. Jesus needed them to know that God truly cares for those who society cares about least. Jesus began by teaching the disciples to live out this love.  

It’s not about what you get from your faithfulness. It’s about what others get. You have already received your blessings by simply following Jesus and loving others in his name.



Humble me, God, so that I can see those who most need your love. Send me to their side and help me bless them with kindness, care, and dignity. Amen.


Carry On.

Learn more about one of Easter’s areas of outreach ministry. How might God call you to be a part of that work?


Built On Solid Rock


Calling Apostles