When the days drew near for [Jesus] to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. – Luke 9:51


On Sunday, we’ll hear the story of the Transfiguration. It’s the story of Jesus’ experience on a mountaintop where his disciples see him in glory and in conversation with Moses and Elijah. It’s a powerful, mystical experience revealing the fullness of Jesus’ power in front of his followers.  

Right after Luke tells us about the Transfiguration in Luke 9, he makes this mention about Jesus. Following the Transfiguration, in all its mystery and power, Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem” – in other words, he turns towards Jerusalem in preparation for his betrayal and death in that city. The glory and wonder of that mountaintop transfiguration fades away as Jesus prepares for the next phase of his ministry, which will bring him to his crucifixion.  

Transfiguration Sunday is always the last Sunday before the season of Lent. It’s the last story we hear about Jesus before we move into that penitent, solemn season of preparation leading up to Good Friday and Jesus’ death. It is a much-needed burst of glory and hope before we enter the austerity of Lent. Transfiguration Sunday is your reminder that it’s time to get your heart, mind, and life ready for what is to come. 

For many people, preparing for Lent means considering what you’re going to give up during these 40 days of preparation and introspection. While this work of sacrifice and abstention can be meaningful to your Lenten practice, it’s also appropriate to take something on in this time. In particular, adding a faith practice – like scripture reading, prayer, financial giving, or acts of service – can also be very important for adding meaning and significance to this time. I hope you’ll consider using the Lenten devotional prepared by Easter staff members as a companion to our midweek services. The reflections, prayers, and activities included will truly strength and sustain your faith through Lent. 

May Transfiguration Sunday be a much-needed light and guide to your faith this Sunday. May it also encourage and remind you to prepare for Lent. Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem; we set our faces to the work of Lent.


Let us pray:

Reveal your glory to us, God. May the power of your love and mercy carry us into the season that follows, whatever challenge, loss, or pain it reveals. Be with us as we enter Lent, strengthen us in our devotion and discipline, and open our eyes to your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.


