Time Matters

Summer is wrapping up. Soon a lot of the excitement for things like weddings, summer camping, family vacations, and the State Fair will all be but a distant memory. In Minnesota especially, we equate the beautiful summer weather with the opportunity to have fun, go on adventures, and celebrate different moments together.


As we move on and prepare for the fall and the impending winter, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on these small, or big, moments of celebration that you experienced this past summer. I also encourage you to look forward in time to other moments of celebration like Thanksgiving and Christmas, knowing that summer is not the only time that celebration occurs.


In times like today, it might be hard to either reminisce or look forward to times of celebration with friends and family. Illness, stress, work or household duties may deter us from feeling like there are any moments on joy in between the overall journey of life to pause and enjoy. But, no matter where you are in life, or how you feel, always remember that there is still so much we can choose to celebrate. And that, rejoicing in the Lord is a choice that we get to make each and every day. So, choose Joy.


Let us Pray


Lord, thank you for giving us not reasons to celebrate, but the ability to celebrate and choose to celebrate in your love surrounded by family and friends, Remind us in your Word that because of all that Christ Jesus has done for us, we can give thanks in all circum­stances and have reasons to celebrate each and every day even in times that may weigh heavy upon our hearts. May our songs of praise and all our celebrations be acceptable to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Gina Lindquist

Easter Director of Operations


Say YES Again


The Upcoming Wedding