[Jesus said], “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” – John 13:34-35


I always knew that God created and loved all people. I always knew the people of faith live that love out in the way they care for and serve with all people. I always knew that not everyone was treated fairly, but I always thought I wasn’t one of those people. But then, I didn’t always know myself, my biases, or my own culture well enough to understand the many complexities involved in fairness, equity, race, and the call to love and serve. 

Decades of experiences large and small have continued to open my own eyes to my bias and privilege. I’m more aware than ever of the many ways I fall short of the call to treat others with true compassion and justice. I don’t think of myself as naïve, foolish, or bad for not knowing more previously; I understand that my own understanding continues to evolve and grow through my personal internal work, the great teaching and example of others, and by the grace of God. 

It is holy work that we can do together as a congregation. Many of you very clearly expressed over the summer in our meet and greets that you felt compelled to help Easter be a place of greater racial diversity and inclusion. I’m so grateful for the Spirit’s guidance among us, calling us to always look beyond ourselves to see how we can better serve the gospel and all God’s people. But I also know that diversity is not a goal in itself. I also know that we have work to do – personally and institutionally – to ensure we’re ready and able to be a place of safety, harmony, and welcome. 

It’s why I’m so excited about the work of our Racial Equity Task Force and their hopes for our future. They’ve reached out to an organization called the Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement (CLNE). After a meeting between CLNE and some of Easter’s leadership, I felt that it could be an incredible partnership. CLNE is staffed by passionate, faithful leaders skilled in community work and education. One tool in particular, the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) can help all of us understand where we are in our understanding of culture and how we might grow in our ability to reach out to and work alongside others. 

I don’t know where the Spirit will lead us in this work. I don’t know how this will continue to take shape in our congregation. But I continue to believe that our love for each other flows out of our desire to truly follow Jesus as faithful disciples. It can be hard work, but the work is always worth it.


Let us pray:

Open our eyes and hearts, God, that we might better understand who we are and how you call us to love others. Grow our partnerships, that together we can work for the good of your world. Be present among us, that as we seek to serve you, we would become still more generous and compassionate to others. Amen.


