Mathew 22:37 

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.


In August 2019, a group of Easter men and women went to visit our sister congregations in Guatemala.  

While we had specific tasks and projects we intended to undertake, the real purpose of our journey was relational. We walked with our brothers and sisters and were blessed to share their journey for a few days. 

Some of the Easter people remained in Guatemala City. A group of us split off and went on the 2-day trip to Maya Itza to begin to pour a concrete floor for our partner congregation’s new church building. I recall the incredible beauty of the mountains as we wound up and down traveling through rural Guatemala. I also recall the incredible poverty, automatic weapons and armed guards everywhere. 

The work reminded me of what love is. A verb. Action. While we did not speak the language and used an interpreter to help with conversation, most of our communication was done through intent. Smiles, a pat on the back, laughter and gestures of appreciation. Everything we did demonstrated love for one another. 

Near the end of our stay, we had to make a choice of save water for showers or use it to finish a concrete slab. We choose to pour the slab. Later, God provided the water for the showers. We did both. 

Those in the tiny community who had so little, served us, gave us their shelter and saw to it that we were loved in every way. We did our best to return that love. 

I saw God at work creating those relationships – opening our hearts and minds and giving us the ability to create connections between the people of Maya Itza and us.


God, I pray for the strength and wisdom to love our neighbors both here at home and abroad.  May we see everyone as your children and love them not just with our minds, but with everything that we say and do. Amen.


