I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed. – Luke 1:3-4


I love to tell stories and hear stories. It should be no surprise, then, that Luke is my favorite gospel. The author starts out by telling his intended reader, Theophilus, exactly what story he’s going to tell and why. (The name Theophilus basically means “one who loves God”, so some have speculated that he’s not an actual person but a general category of people.) In telling his story, Luke gives us parts of the Good News that no other gospel shares – most notably, the stories leading up to Jesus’ birth. 

It’s why the first two chapters of Luke sound so familiar. We read from them every Christmas, as Luke alone tells us the story of angels coming to Mary to announce her pregnancy and to the shepherds to announce her delivery. Each year, we hear Luke’s beautiful details: Mary’s song after she visits Elizabeth, the baby cradled in a manger, the heavens bursting with praises. Luke’s gospel intends to tell the story carefully, and in the telling, we receive an even more beautiful picture of the incarnation.

Starting this Sunday, we’ll read only from the gospel of Luke through Easter. We get an in-depth, sequential look at Jesus’ life and ministry through Luke’s words. It’s one of the things I like best about the Narrative Lectionary, the system of readings that form the basis of our weekly worship texts. This year, as we move from Christmas, into Epiphany, through Lent, and arrive at Easter, I hope you’ll listen carefully to Luke’s story. What details stand out to you? How is Jesus revealed to you? What surprises you? And best of all: how will you share this story with others? 

As Luke’s story begins, I hope you’ll listen with renewed hope. May this story speak new words into your heart that you can speak even more boldly in faith and love.


Let us pray:

God who is revealed to us in scripture, I thank you for Luke’s witness. Make his words into powerful instruments of faith. Make my words into a bold statement of faith for the sake of the world you love. I pray in the name of Jesus, the one who is coming soon. Amen.


