Let’s Celebrate – WooHoo!

Luke 22:19-20 NlRV 

“Then Jesus took bread. He gave thanks and broke it. He handed it to them and said, ‘This is my body. It is given for you. Every time you eat it, do this in memory of me.’

In the same way, after the supper he took the cup. He said, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. It is poured out for you.’” 

What a great day as we celebrated first communion with a whole bunch of families in worship! 

Families filled Easter Church’s worship spaces to celebrate first communion. The day was full of laughter, photo ops, and symbolism. One of those symbols we see in first communion is the white stole the communicants wear that has their name on it. This symbolizes God calling us by name.  White symbolizes holy. This sacrament is a holy act taking the ordinary bread- the symbolic body of Jesus - and wine - the symbolic blood of Jesus - mix it with God’s promise and are made holy. We take communion frequently to remember that Jesus died for us.  

Talk to your children and grandchildren about communion and what it means. This sacrament should not be something we keep quiet; it is meant for sharing. Everyone is invited to the table as part of the community of faith. As you repeat this sacrament with your child, the Holy Spirit will work through both of you.  

As an Easter Community it is up to us to shape young lives and make history. Children may not fully understand what it means to live in faith through only one act such as communion, but it’s one of many things as part of their journey.  Continue to pray for them. 

Always remember, you belong! Jesus loves you and God is at work. Celebrate with joy as we strengthen our fellowship sharing communion together. See you at the table!



Thank you for giving your life for us. Help us show others the joy of sharing your body and blood together. We pray for the first communicants and their families as they continue to walk in faith and make history.





What is a tree for?