Being Church by Pastor Megan Torgerson

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life. – 1 Timothy 6:18-19

I know a retired pastor who frequently grins and declares: “I just love giving money away!” His witness to the joys of generosity stands among the many acts of faithful giving that inspire my understanding of stewardship. With every year, I continue to grow not only in my financial giving, but in how I see God’s generosity at work in the ways I give my time, energy, and money. I love talking about and living out gratitude through giving in my work as a pastor.

You will soon receive a letter from Easter pointing you towards our upcoming fall appeal. Over the next month, I invite you to consider the many ways God has been generous in your life and how you want to live that out. I’m excited for you to hear how we hear God at work in this congregation, what dreams we have for our future together, and ways you can support the incredible work Easter does in our community.

I also hope you’ll spend some time praying, discussing, and reflecting. Financial decisions should always show what is of greatest importance in our lives. No decision about your budget should be made without great consideration of your life, your goals, what you feel called to give, and what God has already done for you.

That’s why I want to start the conversation with you now. It’s worth spending time on this important decision. I encourage you to prayerfully consider making a commitment to give regularly to Easter Lutheran’s ministry. If you already give, I hope this year’s appeal can show you what we might be able to do with an increased gift. Please know that whatever you choose to share will be received with joy and gratitude and will carry on the work of Jesus Christ.

I’m so excited for this fall appeal, for the opportunity to talk and pray more with you about God’s abundance in our lives, and the ways we live that out as a congregation. I praise God that I get to serve with a congregation that knows God’s generosity and just loves to share the riches of those gifts in everything you do.

Let us pray:

God of all good gifts, we praise you for the many ways you care for us. We know that everything we have is a gift from you. Make us joyful givers and generous stewards of these gifts so that all would know your goodness and love. Amen.


