From Pastor Megan Torgerson

“For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” – Psalm 100:5

Today is day 87 of my ministry with you at Easter Lutheran Church. I realize it’s not a typical hallmark or mile post along the way, like 90 days or six months or a year. Don’t worry, friends – we’ll get there. But today is as good a day as any to reflect on God’s work among us here at Easter.

The number one question people ask me, whether people from my personal life or this congregation, is: “So… how are you doing?” This question always gets asked with a deep breath and a more serious tone. People actually want to know. They also seem concerned that I might not give an entirely positive answer. I appreciate both those things; too often we ask people how they’re doing without actual interest in the response and with the expectation that the answer will be “fine” so the conversation can move on without pause.

Side note: don’t do that. Ask people how they are, and listen. Let them be not okay. Let’s start telling each other the truth and being there for each other in joys and sorrows.

But back to my point. People really ask me, and they really want to know, so I really want to put out there: I’m doing okay. I know that doesn’t sound effusive, but I don’t mean anything negative by that. Truthfully, I can’t always gauge how things are going. With so much necessary and life-sustaining distance between me and the congregation – even me and the rest of the staff – it’s hard to pick up on the day-to-day signals about how people are doing and ministry is happening. It can get a little disorienting.

Still, I get to see and hear amazing things. People in hard times receive pastoral care, even if it’s a conversation and prayer over the phone. Students of all ages learn about God’s work in the world, even if it’s in a Zoom group with digital curriculum. Our community receives support and encouragement, even if care has to be provided with a mask covering a volunteer’s smile. Worshipers come together to praise God and hear God’s word, even if it’s through a screen or a windshield. All of this is more than okay – it’s beautiful.

Through it all, I’m doing okay because God is good. Even when I second-guess myself or get frustrated about everything that can’t be known or solved, I know: God is good. It’s not a cliché for me. It’s the truth. I’m doing okay because God’s steadfast love endures forever, even now. Especially now.

No matter where you are right now or what you’re going through, I hope that assurance makes you a little more okay, too.

Let us pray:
God, in the face of so much I cannot know and cannot change, I place my trust in you. You are good. You love me. You give me what I need for this day, and I give you thanks. Amen.


