Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. – Psalm 145:3-4


Just last week, I had the incredible joy of a long conversation with a treasured pastoral mentor. While I was working through some big questions and hopes in my heart, my mentor was willing to sit, listen, share, consider, and encourage. Sadly, he didn’t tell me what to do – but then, that’s not a mentor’s job. A mentor provides reflection, guidance, and insight. By the end of the conversation, I may have been no closer to a clear answer, but I did have a better sense of where God was leading me and where hope might be found.  

A faith mentor is invaluable. Having someone who will listen, guide, and hold you accountable can make all the difference in your faith life. It’s why we’re so serious about partnerships and intergenerational learning here at Easter. We want our children to know adults through JAM or VBS who can be trusted and will share God’s love. We want our confirmation students to have small group leaders who will constantly encourage them as they ask big questions. We even want our babies to have dedicated supporters from the moment of their baptism, making those godparents so vitally important. 

And so, I hope you’ll consider two things. First, how can you be a mentor for someone else? How can you provide your time to reflect, laugh, cry, pray, and walk with someone in their faith? Second, who mentors you? What relationships in your life have given you the most meaning and support? Is there someone you’ve always respected with whom you’ve never had an in-depth conversation? Could that person be a support and guide to you?  

There are so many valuable relationships in our faith lives. We need peers who are in the same part of their faith as us and get us on a clear level. We need leaders who make decisions on our behalf for the sake of the mission of the church. We need a wide community in all its diversity to reflect the fullness of faith to us. We also need mentors to be teachers and encouragers to us. Somewhere, someone is hoping you’ll be that person for them.


Let us pray:

God, you give us the gift of relationship. We are especially grateful for mentors of all kinds who share your love by sharing their time and wisdom. Give us what we need to invest in these relationships and serve in this way as you call us. Amen.


