[The Lord] put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. – Psalm 40:3a


If you need some time to listen to music, make some art, and see your community from a safe distance, I hope you’ll join us this Sunday, May 16th, from  3-5 pm at Easter by the Lake. That afternoon, we’ll have our Music And Arts Festival to make some time and space for food, fun, music, and memories. We’ll have live music from the Fleshpots of Egypt, you can work on a group mosaic mural together, and a food truck will be on hand. Bring chairs or a blanket as well as your mask. 

So much of what we do as believers centers in the earnest work of worship, learning, service, and prayer. I will always emphasize how vital these faith practices are to keeping us rooted and growing in our faith. Still, some faith practices can just be about fun, creativity, and celebration. Fellowship is a classic Christian spiritual practice. We need to be together, not just to do something, but to simply be together. It is good to build relationships, enjoy each other’s company, and rejoice. I hope you get to experience that – from a safe social distance – at the festival on Sunday.  

Other things might not be typically considered spiritual practices but can help us grow in faith all the same. Music and art absolutely qualify. In singing, playing an instrument, sculpting, drawing, or any other meaningful artistic work, we find the powerful combination of our God-given talents, time and energy focused on a meaningful work, the creation of something that glorifies God and gives joy to others, and an opportunity to simply revel in beauty. The discipline of practice, the reflection of creation, and the generosity of sharing all happen as we make art of all kinds.  

It is a blessing to be a community that shares hard work, serves neighbors, returns regularly and frequently to worship, teaches and cares for each other, and also loves celebrating and creating together. This is good and of God!  I hope you will feel that when you join us at the Music And Arts Festival this weekend. May it be a joy and blessing to us all.


Let us pray:

Our Creator, you have given us many gifts and opportunities to love each other and serve you. Thank you for the simple, beautiful gifts of fellowship and art. Call us together into loving community. Inspire us to greater beauty. Send your Spirit to bless us as we serve you in all ways. Amen.


