Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 


On Sunday, we invited everyone to turn in a Statement of Intent for their giving in the coming year. Through this incredible act of generosity, hope, and faithfulness, we will work together to love our neighbor as we serve God. I got to be out at the parking lot at the Hill that day as many of you dropped off your statement in person. The wind was cold but my heart was warm. It was a real joy to see you share God’s gifts with the ministry of this congregation.  

But people haven’t only made their commitments in person. It’s been exciting to see people make their intentions clear in so many ways. People have mailed their statements to the church, dropped them off at the office, and submitted them online. While I would have loved to have received them gathered together in worship, these many options have proved to be accessible for people and have encouraged great generosity.   

We started receiving statements before we even reached Commitment Sunday last week, but those early and joyful responses are just one of the amazing things we’ve seen happen in our Love Your Neighbor appeal. Last year, just one week after Commitment Sunday, we had received 123 cards for total pledged gifts of $576,500. This year we already have 171 statement of intents totaling $790,200! You are proving just how ready you are to join in the good, holy work of this congregation to respond to the needs of this time and truly serve others.  

For me, the greatest statistic so far is that 64 people have returned Statements of Intent this year that did not return one last year. That means 64 households decided, in the middle of a pandemic and all its uncertainty, to make a financial commitment to the work of this congregation and the way it loves God and neighbor in word and action. That is absolutely incredible, and a testimony to God’s work among us. It’s this kind of generous, hopeful action that gives me great hope for our ministry together.  

Easter people, thank you. Thank you for what you will share and what you have already done. I hope you will still turn in a Statement of Intent if you haven’t already. I want you to have a chance to be a part of the good work we’re doing together. The joy that you experience in sharing God’s gifts is just too much to pass up.  


Let us pray: 

We praise you, God, for the way you are at work in the generosity of this congregation. Bless the work we do together. Encourage giving and grateful hearts. Inspire us to greater service in your name. We give you thanks, and we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


