The story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, and Ishmael is at best disturbing from a human perspective. In Genesis 12 God promises Abraham and Sarah many descendants. Abraham grows impatient after he and Sarah are unable to conceive in their old age. So Abraham conceives a child with Sarah’s slave, Hagar. First, let me say that your pastors at Easter condemn the objectification of and any violence (including sexual violence) against women. But here it is in our sacred book.
Hagar gives birth to Ishmael but then in Genesis 17 God reminds Abraham and Sarah of the promise and again promises to bless them with a child (Isaac). Time goes on and in Genesis 21:8-19 Sarah has Abraham throw Hagar and Ishmael out. Abraham leads them into the desert where they will die. What an asshole.
As Ishmael is dying of starvation/thirst, God hears Hagar crying out for help and leads her and Ishmael to water. God also promises to make a great nation out of Ishmael.
God shows love and care to Hagar and Ishmael—the people who have been rejected; the people who have been sent to die at the margins of society. Hagar and Ishmael are not part of God’s covenant with Abraham’s descendants—they are now outsiders at best—and yet God still sees and cares about them.
This is our work, too, dear Easter people. To see the people who are left out, forced out, or down and out. To care about people who are at the margins or deemed worthless. And to extend God’s care to those who might be struggling. Easter Lutheran Church cares because God cares.
October 17th we celebrated Easter Cares Sunday in worship where we thank and bless our many care team volunteers. Some of the ways Easter shows that we care are through our:
Prayer Team who receive weekly prayer updates from the church and faithfully pray for each request
Caring Card Writers who send cards each month to people on the prayer list
BeFrienders who visit people recovering from hospitalization, living with a long-term illness, or who are experiencing grief and loss
Care Team Visitors who develop long-term friendships and provide spiritual support through monthly visits and Holy Communion
Support Group Leaders who facilitate group meetings and one to one support
Senior Living Worship Volunteers who host a monthly worship in the movie theater at Stonehaven and Eagan Pointe Senior Living
iPad Teachers who help Easter members stay connected to others and this church
Respite Companion Trainers who prepare volunteers to offer caregiver support through respite care
And Prayer Blanket makers who knit prayer blankets for the pastors to bring on visits
Will you join me in not only thanking and praying for these many volunteers, but in extending God’s care to someone who may have been forgotten, left out, or who could use a little care?
Thank you—and remember that God cares about YOU and so do I.
In Christ,