Matthew 25:35-40 “ ‘for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ … ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ “

In Mathew 25:31-45 Jesus tells us to blur the lines between church and community.  He says (paraphrased) “Whatever you did/didn’t do for the least ones, you did/did not do for me.”  Easter’s Outreach and giving focus is on global partnerships in Tanzania and Guatemala, education and young people who face challenges, feeding those who need it, and responding to homelessness.  Throughout Lent, Easter people have been sharing their experiences of learning and serving within these various areas of outreach.  Today, I will focus on my time walking alongside those who are homeless.

I like to believe that in wandering thru the Holy Lands Jesus was meeting people where they were at; showing kindness and thus introducing them to God.  And he was teaching them how to experience heaven during their time on earth AND when after death.  Mathew 25:31-45 might be less about scaring us into doing good and more about teaching us how to feel great right here, right now.

My experience working with homeless folks has taught me that I feel really good about doing good.  Heaven?  Yes. Carrying on the work of Jesus while meeting others where they are just feels good. Whether staying overnight with folks at Dorothy Day shelter, serving an evening meal to shelter guests, or serving and greeting people during the Matrix cold weather shelter; I’ve always felt good when leaving for the day.  Heaven?  Yes. Meeting others where they are and getting to know my brothers and sisters in Christ just feels good. In doing so, I’ve learned to judge less. These folks are a lot like me.  They have hopes, dreams, families, and foibles. They have had moments of pride and less glorious moments too.  They’ve taught me to be thankful and to seek to help them in more holistic ways through organizations that support, lift up, and stand up for homeless men, women, and children. 

Organizations like M.I.C.A.H. (Metropolitan Interfaith Council for Affordable Housing.  Primarily a lobbying organization they are a part of a housing coalition that helped pass $100 million plus to build, fix up, and support affordable housing as a part of last year’s Minnesota Bonding Bill.  We can make a difference if we raise our voices.  Organizations like Matrix Housing Services that finds housing for homeless adults right here in Dakota County that might otherwise be sleeping in cars or under bridges. There are currently 69 Dakota County people sheltered by Matrix. Matrix has provided a safe place to rest to over 123 people this winter by working with Dakota County.  There’s also The Link that works with homeless youth in Hennepin and Dakota counties to find housing and support services for folks in their teens and early 20’s that are homeless.  Or C.A.T.C.H. which provides transitional housing for 8 families in Dakota County.  At Easter we support all of these organizations.  If you want to know more, you can check out Easter’s website.  Each of these organizations has needs and could use your help financially or as volunteers.  I promise you - your skills will fit in to one or all of them.  By engaging with these partners who are on the front lines serving our neighbors without a safe place to rest, you can help Easter blur the lines between church and community and carry on the work of Jesus Christ.

I’ve learned why I should care:  I’m really not so different than those I’ve been blessed to serve. What a great opportunity we have at Easter to serve and thus carry on the work of Jesus Christ.  Is this heaven on earth?

Oh Holy One – We give thanks for the safe spaces we call home. We are glad for that which is ours to tend. The places we are entrusted to care for. The corners of this world where we take up space and feel a sense of belonging. We pray for those who have little – little to call their own, no door to close at the end of the day, no place for their soul to find rest or peace to come. Be with them. And be with us. Give us strength and courage to shine your love and grace in their midst. In your Son’s name we pray, Amen.      


