Being Church with Pastor Megan Torgerson

And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another – Hebrews 10:24-25a

I’ve been joking with people that I’ve finally been around long enough to get to know some folks, but that everyone looks a little different on the other side of a screen or with a mask on. It makes me so grateful for every opportunity I have to get to know Easter people and learn more about the good work we do together for the sake of the gospel.

 One source of joy has been Coffee With A Pastor. On Thursday mornings at 9 am, a group of Easter people join a Zoom call with the preaching pastor. We spend the hour checking in, praying, discussing the upcoming text, and being community together. It’s exactly the kind of thing I loved doing before the pandemic, and I’m so grateful for the technology that permits us to keep it up.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, you can join in any time. Look for the information on Easter’s website or in The Leaflet, a weekly email with information about what’s happening at Easter. You don’t have to register – you can just join us when you have a chance.

If this isn’t something that works for you, maybe you can create something that does. Do you have a group of friends who would be willing to check in weekly, pray for each other, talk about your day, and encourage each other? Are there friends from church who could form an email chain together to talk about Sunday’s sermon, offer support to each other, and share personal prayer requests? Especially as the weather gets colder, we’ll all need those points of connection and accountability to support our faith lives.

When we come together, digitally or in real time, we experience the presence of the Holy Spirit among us. It’s worth the time and energy to connect. I hope you can keep providing that meaningful act of Christian fellowship for each other in new and meaningful ways.

Let us pray:

God, you call us together and nurture our relationships. Show us how much we need each other. Remind us of the power of fellowship. Help us to make our time with you and each other a priority. We praise you for your gifts made known in friendships, families, and community support. Amen.


