Carry On Blog | August 16

When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. – 1 Corinthians 2:1-2


On Sunday, we will hear from the book of 1 Corinthians in worship. In 1:17-25, the passage for that day, we will hear Paul speak eloquently about declaring just one thing: Jesus Christ, crucified and risen for the sake of all. It is the most central part of who we are as Christians. We know who God is and to what God calls us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus our Lord.  

It’s why we do everything we do: worship, outreach, education, fellowship, prayer, and care. When we talk about everything that happens here at Easter Lutheran Church, we don’t do it to brag or show off. We do it because we’re constantly pointing back to God revealed to us in Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We invite others into this relationship knowing the joy it brings, the good it does, the grace it multiplies, and the life it produces. 

It’s one of the reasons I know you’ll want to make a gift to our Connecting With Our Neighbors sign appeal. It’s time for Easter to have a digital sign at each of our sites on Pilot Knob for no other reason than to share with our neighbors who we are as a community of believers. We want to invite others into this relationship, and with over 36,000 cars going past both sites in just one hour, there are a lot of people who could hear about it if we had a way to share it.  

At first, the size of the appeal felt enormous. While the $80,000 project could get us two effective, attractive signs, I knew that was still a big number. However, we’re already halfway there thanks to the incredible generosity of Easter’s Foundation and some faithful, enthusiastic members of Easter’s community. That means we already have one sign paid for! All we need are your gifts to get us the rest of the way. 

Visit to hear more about the project, see the proposal, and give to this one-time appeal. Whatever gift you can share will proclaim not just who Easter is, but who we believe God to be in Jesus Christ. It is a gift we get to share with our community, and your giving will make it happen. Thank you!


Let us pray:

I praise you, God, because your Son has saved me. Fill me with joy and wisdom so I can tell others about this gift of grace and act boldly to share it with them. Make me generous with my words, actions, and giving to your glory alone. Amen.


