But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. – Luke 24:11


During the Easter sermon I preached Sunday, I talked about the word translated “idle tale” here – in Greek, it’s leros, and it could also mean nonsense, twaddle (now that’s a great word), or even a more crass accusation like… well, let’s say baloney. In other words: the disciples’ reaction to the testimony of the women was a disbelieving, even disparaging “no way”. 

There are many layers to a response like that. Many have pointed out that the witness of women in that time didn’t account for much, even though these women had been right alongside Jesus like the male disciples had. The women show great faith by taking the risk of coming to Jesus’ tomb prepared to give him a proper burial, unlike the male disciples, who hang back and hide away. Were the men jealous? Were they angry at the risks the women had taken? Could they simply not believe the testimony of a woman? 

In my sermon, I speculated that the overwhelming power of death clouded the disciples’ ability to hear a word of life. Certainly, this dynamic was also at work in their reaction to the women’s news. They had seen Jesus’ suffering, watched him die, known that death’s power was immovable, and given themselves to their grief. You can’t fault them for that. Death has a way of keeping us hidden in shadow, unable to see the light of hope wherever it might be dawning. 

But here’s the other thing: they didn’t just say this was nonsense, they acted like it. This coming Sunday, we’ll hear the story of a few disciples on the road. They’re on the move on the same day that the women shared their unbelievable news. These disciples don’t even recognize Jesus when he appears on the road alongside them. This account doesn’t change their minds; Jesus later appears to all the gathered disciples and says to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:38). No matter how many times Jesus showed up, they kept acting like he wouldn’t.  

That’s the lesson that will take us into our week. Sure, Easter Sunday brought us good news – and excellent weather and maybe even vaccinated family members we could safely visit. It felt like a day of new life. But are you living that life now? Are you living a life that bears witness to Jesus’ power over death today? How are you sharing the good news in your words and actions? How are you sharing what God has given you to ensure abundant life for all? How are you confronting the powers of death with acts of love and hope? 

Are you living in a way that shares hope? Or would someone look at your words and actions and think the gospel sounds like nonsense?  

Let the good news of Easter abound in you today. Let it be a powerful word of life-changing love here and now, this week, throughout the Easter season, and for the rest of your life.


Let us pray:

We confess to you, God, the many ways that our words and actions have made your gospel sound like nonsense. We recommit ourselves to telling the fullness of your good news so that others may see, hear, and live into the promise of life in Jesus Christ. May these promises abound in our lives so we would know hope. Amen.


