Monday, August 19, 2019



Nothing bonds a team better than getting up at 3 AM and rushing off to the airport for a Monday morning AFTER they change the TSA and regular lines.

Things went very smoothly and we were blessed. The trip to Atlanta was on time with just enough time to grab a bit to eat before getting on board to Guatemala.

While boarding the international flight, they took your picture and my boarding pass printed out. They must have been using facial recognition to verify things matched.

Once I got on board and English was the 2nd language, I was feeling a little out of sorts until the woman in front of me handed me her boarding pass and was able to communicate, I can’t read this. If she could do it, so could I.

The ILAG center is amazing. Historic, beautiful and everyone is welcoming.

It’s off to Mya Itza tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019